Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Golightly Bags!

Hello hello! I know I've been bad at keeping up with my goal of posting every week. Honestly, I've been trying to be less of a hermit and spending more time with friends as well as making new friends! I love it! But it definitely has cut into my computer time. That, and I still haven't fixed/replaced my laptop, so unless I do the posts on my lunch break during the week I have to use my womanly skills to fandangle Jeff's laptop away from him! haha

I've had a lot of requests for images of my bags to appear somewhere on the net other than on my Facebook profile, so I figured I best be doing a post about them! 

No name
 Some info about these babies: 
 - They are all designed and handmade by yours truly. 
- Inspired by many things, but mostly nature and art deco architecture (pretty much my 2 favourite things of all time... that and ice cream). 
- I get my leather from second hand stores, then spend an incredible amount of time cutting it up into manageable pieces.
- I use my mom's old Pfaff machine from the 70's (that poor poor workhorse haha) and sometimes hand stitch when I'm feeling extra insane. 
- The linings were initially going to be second hand silk scarves, and my very first bag had a silk lining, but that (obviously) didn't last long, AND I ended up loving the scarves as they were... which spawned my incredibly large vintage silk scarf collection! Instead, I decided to put the scraps from my quilting hobby to good use. And while 100% cotton isn't as luxe as silk it's definitely waaaaay more practical, cost effective (because I already owned it) and eco-friendly. Yay!

So without further ado I present (most of) the first batch: 
(You can see more bags, including new ones, on Pinterest here
Oona - SOLD
 The first! A true labour of love. Cut outs, hand stitched details... I hated this bag until I completed it. Then I loooooved it.

Alexis - SOLD
One of the last made in the first bunch. Doubled up circles, hand hole punched detailing PLUS hand secured pearls... I have no idea how I finished this bag haha
Black leather, butter cream leather, blue pearls.

Jane - SOLD
Rosie - SOLD
Jane's identical twin sister, until I added a handmade leather Rose to her face. 
She didn't want to be a twin anyways. Black leather, pearls.

Marvin - mine!
Marvin was inspired by the lining fabric and David Bowie.

Willow - SOLD
My friend Peggy had told me that she was looking for a bag with a big tree on it. So I made her one! It's not big, but it does have vintage MOP buttons for leaves!

Oh Flo.

This bag is so 70's it makes me laugh. I have no idea why, but it reminds me of some super over tanned girl wearing some crazy over sized turquoise sunglasses.
Bronze, tan and turquoise leathers.

The only boy of the circle bunch, he's very marine inspired.
Ultramarine blue, butter cream, navy, bronze, turquoise, tan and some heavy yellow suede.

Oh Lucille, you minx! One of my Art Deco inspirations. Soft feel with a strong look.
Super soft black leather and butter cream leather.

Evelyn - SOLD
 Art Deco inspired Evelyn. I still think about this bag on a regular basis!
Black leather pieces on amazingly soft butter cream leather.

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